Watch the story of a man who was diagnosed with Elephant Man’s disease as a child. Hear as God changes his heart from that of bitterness towards God and people to a heart of love for God and people.
Real People. Real Stories.
A Minutes of Hope is an encouraging word from our host Louie Sorrentino to encourage you and support your walk in faith as you live for the King.
Watch the story of a man who was diagnosed with Elephant Man’s disease as a child. Hear as God changes his heart from that of bitterness towards God and people to a heart of love for God and people.
Real People. Real Stories.
Hear Louie share the story of an amazing phone call he made to his uncle Joe and how it changed his life.
Inspired Hope – Real People Real Stories.
Hear the story of a man who’s heart is made new in Christ as he learns to put everything in God’s hands…even his life. Check out the latest episode on InspiredHope.TV. We pray this story blesses you and you know that God has a plan for your life.