
I loved video games growing up. We played Atari games like Pac man, Asteroids, Donkey Kong – those games were really neat! Today’s games are so advanced! I play the Wii U with my son and I die all the time, and my kids get a kick out of it. The great thing about video

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Answered Prayers

We make all kinds of requests to God, and are not sure if they will be answered. If you ask God for something and the request is wrong, He says NO.  If you ask God and the timing is wrong, He says SLOW.  If you ask God and you are not ready, He says GROW. 

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In driving school,  the instructor comments often  “Stay between the yellow lines”. I can see that being similar in our Christian walk. If we are not careful, we can drift little by little into  the wrong lane and causing a fatal accident! Knowing God’s Purpose for your life is important to where and how to travel in your

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